Engineers Respond to COVID-19

Society and Economy Reopening Assessment (SERA)

Screenshot of SERA PlatformProject Lead: Lei Zhang (Maryland Transportation Institute)

The Society and Economy Reopening Assessment (SERA) is part of a comprehensive COVID-19 impact analysis platform developed by the Maryland Transportation Institute and Center for Advanced Transportation Technology Laboratory (CATT Lab) at the University of Maryland’s A. James Clark School of Engineering. SERA provides state and county-level data on social distancing, testing capacity, hospital bed and ICU utilization, contact tracing, COVID case trends, and the number of COVID cases being brought in by travel across state lines, among other factors. In addition, SERA measures economic factors such as the unemployment rate, consumer behavior and consumption reduction, and the number of people working from home. SERA was created by a multidisciplinary team of epidemiologists, public health experts, economists, and mobility and social distancing researchers in collaboration with MTI and CATT Lab.

